
  • green tomatoes

    AeroGarden Tips for Beginners Walkthrough

    I promised an AeroGarden update and here it is! Follow along with me on an AeroGarden walkthrough complete with AeroGarden tips for beginners along the way. Quick Links to AeroGarden Tips How to Transplant a Seedling to a New AeroGarden Pod Thinning AeroGarden Seedlings Indeterminate vs Determinate Tomatoes When to Raise AeroGarden Lights Pollinating Indoor Tomatoes How Do I Get My Tomatoes to Set Fruit? Pruning AeroGarden Tomatoes Pruning AeroGarden Basil Best Nutrients/Fertilizers for Hydroponics AeroGarden Walkthrough Day 16- Thinning Seedlings All of my seeds from my AeroGarden pods have come up, sort of.  I did have one AeroGarden tomato pod that did not have any seeds sprout.  AeroGarden does…

  • rainbow carrots planting from seed

    Planting Carrots From Seed

    Planting carrots from seed is easy but takes patience. Carrots are a great beginner gardener crop because once the seeds get started, it doesn’t take a lot of work to have a great harvest. Carrots are my favorite vegetable to grow.  Nothing store bought can beat the taste of a homegrown carrot and they are good for you!  Carrots are full of vitamin A in the form of beta carotene, which is great for vision and cholesterol.  They are also packed with vitamin K, potassium and B vitamins. Planting Location and Type of Seed When planning your garden it is important to consider location.  Carrots like full sun, so make…

  • indoor gardening beginner aerogarden tomatoes

    Two Ways to Start an Indoor Garden

    Beginning Indoor Gardening Have you wondered how to start an indoor garden? Are you an indoor gardening beginner? I am going to show you how to start the easiest indoor garden, an AeroGarden. This system uses hydroponics (water instead of soil, light and fertilizer) to grow a compact, simple garden. In Alaska, where I live, this is the only way to garden in the winter! We only get a few hours of daylight each day so, it can be a challenge to keep anything growing through the winter months.  When I first moved to Alaska almost 15 years ago I planted my very first AeroGarden.  I used it for many…

  • succulents, plant cuttings in water

    2 Ways to Start Cuttings: Water or Soil

    Starting cuttings from a parent plant is as easy. Here are 2 ways to start cuttings in water or soil and a few tips can help you to achieve success! Why Start Plants From Cuttings? You are moving and can’t bring the plants. You really want the same houseplant your friend has. A piece of your plant broke off and you can not bring yourself to let it die. Large plants have taken over your home. Starting Cuttings in Water Starting plants in water is easy!  Botanists make plants grow in amazing ways using rooting hormones and fertilizer.  Don’t be deterred, because most plants will start just fine in tap…