• many tiny animal valentines

    Candy Free Valentines Everyone Will Love

    Even thought candy free valentines are not a common thing, everyone will love these.  Valentines Day seems to go hand in hand with candy, but it doesn’t have to.  I don’t mind a little treat now and then but when my kids come home with sacks full of candy, I cringe.  Just one of those little treats sends my tornadoes spinning around the room at full force.  I have decided to help the other parents out there in the world by sharing my favorite candy free Valentine everyone will love. Instead of using candy, these Valentines provide the receiver with a fun tiny toy and a cute message!   Get…

  • succulents, plant cuttings in water

    2 Ways to Start Cuttings: Water or Soil

    Starting cuttings from a parent plant is as easy. Here are 2 ways to start cuttings in water or soil and a few tips can help you to achieve success! Why Start Plants From Cuttings? You are moving and can’t bring the plants. You really want the same houseplant your friend has. A piece of your plant broke off and you can not bring yourself to let it die. Large plants have taken over your home. Starting Cuttings in Water Starting plants in water is easy!  Botanists make plants grow in amazing ways using rooting hormones and fertilizer.  Don’t be deterred, because most plants will start just fine in tap…

  • Quick and easy kid friendly breakfast

    Quick and Easy Kid Approved Breakfast

    This quick and easy German Pancake is packed with protein for a kid approved breakfast or dinner all ages will love! We’ve been making these German Pancakes in my house for almost as long as I can remember.  I first learned how to make them in a kids cooking class when I was in the 5th grade.  Since then I have tweaked the recipe a bit and they have become an essential breakfast for my family. These pancakes are packed with protein and are the perfect start to a weekend morning. With only FIVE ingredients, they are so easy and quick to make that they may even become a weekday…